Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First Times

I love doing something for the first time. There is something amazing about trying something new. You gain a new memory, a new experience.

So I realize I have lived in Logan for almost five years. At Utah State University there are several traditions that the students love to do. We have "True Aggie Night" where you kiss on the "A" by Old Main. You can become an "Ultimate Aggie" by riding the bull in front of the Spectrum naked. Of course you have the sporting events along with our awesome fans. Then there is sledding down Old Main Hill. The hill is pretty steep with trees dotting the hill. There are always several injuries every year; anything from cuts, to broken bones, and even a few deaths. Yikes! Whenever there is snow you can always find people on the hill. However, I had never sled down Old Main Hill until last Saturday. (I know, it's pretty sad, but now I can say I've done it.)

The experience was incredible. We hiked up the hill in our snow gear then I watched Dan sled down the hill. He seemed to zip down the hill, almost reaching the road then throwing his hands up in the air to give a loud whoop! I nervously looked at Chris. He told me to get going. I sat down in the faded red sled, anticipating my descent. I tilted forward, tucked my legs onto the sled, then pushed off. I was racing down the hill. The wind and snow stung my face. I hit a little jump which sent my sled spinning. For a second I was frantic. I tried to steer, but I really didn't know how. After going in circles a couple of times I just let myself coast the rest of the way, going backwards. I didn't make it nearly as far as Dan, but I was beaming. My cheeks felt warm inspite of the cold and adrenaline bubbled inside me. We kept sledding. Most of the time I went down in circles, not really straight. I almost ran into a tree as I was headed down backwards. One time I was doing really well, at least I was going forward. I went over a big jump - I got enough air to lift me out of the sled - but when I came down I landed hard on my tailbone. I groaned and quickly bailed. I sent myself rolling then I lay in the snow, completely sprawled out. After a few moments I staggered to my feet, a little sore.

The rest of the trip was a lot of fun. Our last run Dan and I went down together. This time I was in front. We actually went straight! At this point the snow had picked up again. Tiny snowflakes pelted my face as we raced downwards. I couldn't hardly open my eyes! We managed to make it all the way to the road. Snowflakes still clung to my eyelashes and my face was wet. We laughed. It was an incredible time. I managed to not injure myself too bad. Haha.

Now I have one thing checked off my list of things to do, but I still need some more ideas. Does anyone know of any good winter activities or things you have to do at USU?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Growing Up

Have you ever looked back on your life and realized how fast everything has gone? When you are little you can't wait to be a teenager. When you are in high school you want out. College is stressful and fun, but expensive so you just want to graduate and get a job to make some money. Then you get a full time job and realize you just wish you could play all the time. (At least that's what I've heard.) Everything has hit me full force this week. I graduated last Saturday at it was amazing. I felt so good. The experience felt so surreal until I stepped onto the floor of the Spectrum. That's when all of the emotions hit me. I was finally graduating. I was done... Then I looked around and saw my family waving excitedly at me. The experience was overwhelming. I was so happy and relieved and sad, all at once. I choked up a little, but I refused to actually cry. (I don't like crying in front of people.) The ceremony was awesome. Our speakers talked about memories at Utah State and remembering the good times because someday we would miss our times there. So true. I wish I could remember all of the dumb stuff that I've done. True Aggie Night, playing on the Quad, making-out in random buildings...Haha! There are things I never got to do like sled down Old Main Hill. I still have the rest of the year to do everything I want to. I can't believe how fast everything has gone. I'm done. It's a really weird feeling.

If graduating wasn't crazy enough I jumped right into a job. It's nothing permanent yet. I'm teaching at Skyview High. I'm filling in for their band director who is resigning due to a high risk pregnancy. Man, it has been a crazy week. I had a concert last night and we have pep band tomorrow night. Talk about getting thrown into the fire. You want to know what I miss the most? Having someone to talk to all the time. At Logan High Dan was always there for me. I really miss our conversations. I miss the kids back at Logan, although the kids at Skyview are great and I know they appreciate having me there. I didn't realize how spoiled I was at Logan High. Dan has everything that I want. The equipment, the resources, the knowledge, an amazing music library. You name it and Dan's got it. :) It is really nice to be so close. I still talk to Dan all the time. (Like every day.) It's really different to be grown up, to have to face the world at full force. Teaching is the easiest part of my day. Everything else is the hard part. I'm learning a lot and I'm really glad the week is almost over. I need some time to get my feet back under me. I know I'm getting attached though. Today I couldn't even imagine leaving Skyview and not coming back. It'll take time, but it is my program now.

It's time to grow up.