Sunday, January 17, 2010

Infatuation vs. Love

Alright, for all of you who are about to read this post please understand that I am neither infatuated nor in love! I was merely curious about the difference between the two. Here's what I found out:

When does infatuation end and love begin? Surely there is a difference between the two words. Or are they really similiar enough to be interchangeable?

Infatuation -
1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion of attraction
2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion

According to this definition infatuation is foolish, maybe even blind. So maybe all love starts out as an infatuation. We meet someone and get caught up in the moment of being in love. He or she can do nothing wrong in our eyes. They appear perfect. Of course to any sensible, level-headed person this seems pretty foolish. We all know no one is perfect. Mostly this is the physical aspect of the relationship. We want to hold them or be held or kiss. We wouldn't take our hands off them if we had a choice. However the romantic rush is short-lived, as stated above, and once this stage has ended either things end or they progress. They never stand still. Both persons are continuing to move in one direction or the other. So if the infatuation is really love then the relationship will continue, regardless of flaws or fights. And if not then the passion will die with the relationship.

Love -
1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
2. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection
Synonyms: tenderness, fondness, warmth, passion, adoration

Now seeing the definition of love we see it is not an object nor foolish as the definition of infatuation stated. Instead love is a feeling towards something or someone. Love is more than just a passion, it is tender and affectionate, and a personal attachment - meaning we have invested our time and interest. Love is not just about the physical but about the mental as well. With love the person understands and accepts the other person for who he or she is. If this is the case then when the infatuation wears off in a sincere relationship love is left behind. Both persons are beginning to understand the other. For better or for worse. Secrets start coming out. You yearn to share your entire life with this one person, regardless of your past mistakes. You are no longer an independent person, but rather depending on each other for support.

So when does the line of infatuation end and love begin? When we can notice someone's flaws and imperfections and still want to be with them, knowing fair well that things won't be easy? Maybe when we honestly realize our life would seem pointless without them because our lives have somehow become intertwined with theirs. When we share their emotions and forget what everyone else looks like. Nothing matters but making he or she happy.

If infatuation is foolish and extravagant then maybe love is calm and comforting. An unexplained feeling of awe and devotion that leaves you breathless. Almost as if there is physical pain simply by being separated. A longing so deep you would merely be content just sitting next to them...

What can I say, I'm a romantic. :) And I think way too much!


shlipea said...'s almost like you were with me at Snow and in LD's the year our show was titled "Love Is..." Part of our dialogue focused on exactly what you wrote about. And you hit it dead on, girl. :) Too bad it's sometimes difficult to tell the difference huh?

Anonymous said...

And if you weren't in LD's with her, you were definitely in my Dating and Courtship institute class. We spent probably 3 whole classes talking about the differences between love and infatuation. We took quizzes to see if we were in love or simply infatuated or even lustful.

P.s. You're a very eloquent writer. I always enjoy your blog.

Tayna said...

Thanks guys! Maybe I should do more stuff like this. :)

Kristan Sorenson said...

Wow, I REALLY liked reading this. So true! Thanks Tayna. :)